Tag Archives: Sweet Invention

Friday Food Clips: The Gifted But Troubled Composers Edition

2 Mar

Today’s Food Clip is from one of my favorite period films. Milos Forman’s Amadeus is most assuredly not a biopic, but rather a fictionalized account of enmity between classical composers Mozart and Salieri. In this lush production filled with shrill operatic notes, sky-high wigs, lustrous silks and brocades, and of course, one abominable giggle (see clip below), we witness Salieri’s descent into darkness as he attempts to bring a dissolute, spendthrift-of-a-genius Mozart to his heels.

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Sweet Winter Reading: On My Bookshelf

29 Nov

I’m not letting Monday’s 66-degree weather fool me, Massachusetts. You may be all smiles now, but December is almost upon us. The colder it gets, the more likely you will be to find me indoors, snuggling with a book, a DVD, a hot chocolate or a glass red wine (maybe even all four at a time). To that end, here is my round-up of sweet reads for the coming cold weeks:

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